Sydney got to perform in a musical yesterday that is called Geology Rocks. She played the part of Snow White and got to sing a solo! Why Snow White? Because she knew seven little dwarves who were miners; hence an opportunity to discuss many different rocks and gems in a cute little song and loosely tie it to the overall theme. For more detail on her Snow White costume that I sewed check it out on my Dizzie Lizzie blog.
Here are a few pictures of Sydney singing during her solo called Seven Little Miners.
Seven little miners with something new to try, seven little miners, goodbye! (Join in singing anytime)!
What a cutie!
She remembered all of her lines and exhibited no signs of stage fright. She’s a natural.
Sydney also got to be part of a doo wop trio in a song about the Earth. She was fantastic! She is the short one in the middle in case you couldn’t figure that out.
Here she is holding up the second letter ‘P’ when the kids all discover that Professor Rock has disappeared!
The musical was recorded and they director is going to make a DVD so hopefully I should be able to put her scene on the blog in a couple of months.