Hot Pads are Versatile

Isaac claimed that the dishes would get put away faster if he was wearing hot pads on his feet. I don’t think he was quite right about that, but it sure made for some fun pictures and I think the kitchen floor benefited from the extra dust-mopping…

Here’s our week in a bullet list:

  • I gave a talk in sacrament meeting today. The topic was Personal Revelation. Click on the link if you want to read my talk. Peter helped me stay on task last night as I finished writing it – I was getting a little loopy around 10:00 PM. And here are the pictures that Peter drew for the kids while I was giving my talk in sacrament meeting:

  • For music time in primary today we played a rousing game of “Name That Tune” because I did not spend any time preparing something new…
  • Peter has been stripping, re-painting and detailing his old motorcyle to get it ready to sell so that he’ll have some money to finish fixing up the newer one. Isaac had fun helping his dad out in the garage.
  • A lady from the Golden Retriever Rescue place came to our house to visit yesterday to see if our home would be able to accommodate a large dog. We passed the test! It may take a couple of weeks or three or four months before the right dog is matched with our family but that’s alright. They will not place a dog with us who has not lived with children before and we requested specifically a dog that does not bark all the time.  They claim they have a 99% accuracy rate in matching dogs with families.
  • Sydney and Isaac had fun playing with the rescue lady’s Golden Retriever. Sydney kept getting him bowls of water. Isaac had fun making faces at the dog. I think he is getting excited to have a dog – before yesterday he kept saying, “I don’t want any other dog but Lola.” (Lola was our last dog).
  • Isaac gets to go meet his new preschool teachers this Thursday!
  • Sydney has Mrs. Smith for third grade this next year (the teacher I secretly wanted her to have)!
  • This week I made the best looking loaves of bread that I have ever made!

That’s all folks…

As for this weeks poll my favorite boy names for a male dog are Nigel and Roger, although Sergei really intrigues me; for a girl I like Jane and Sophie, or maybe even something wild like Esperanza. Of course, you’ll have to wait and find out what the official dog name will be… I might shake things up and pick something that is not on the list! I name the dogs – Peter knows that I won’t agree to getting a dog unless I get to name it. Since I can’t seem to have any more kids, this is a creative outlet for me to name something. Maybe I should get an aquarium full of fish, or maybe start a collection of stuffed birds just so I can name them…

When I was younger (like around 5th and 6th grade) I used up pages and pages of my journal writing down lists of names for girls and boys. My favorite girl name for a long time was Princessa. I think Sydney might have actually like that. I wasn’t that concerned about boy names because, you know, boys are gross and all (I know – I live with two of them).

Sorry about our little adoption prank (not really). ;o)

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