The First Day of School

Everyone once in a while I am able to snap an adorable picture of my two children. I love this picture! The night before school the kids both picked out what to wear:

Isaac picked out some very comfortable digs.
Sydney picked out a cute dress to wear.
“Say Cheese!”
This is what I normally get when I ask Isaac to smile:
Here he sort of gave in and did a grin.
Two cheesy kids.
Sydney sitting at her desk in Mrs. Smith’s classroom. She already knows most of the kids in her class!

Here is Isaac with his friend Dayton (who broke his leg right after swim lessons were over) waiting for preschool to start. Isaac was bummed because he and Dayton are not in the same class (they have two classes).

Isaac hanging up his backpack. After going into the preschool he didn’t look back…
And just ’cause I love this picture, you get to see it again.
And again (just for grandma)!And this is my favorite:
Here is our week in a bullet list:

  • The kids had their first day of school today. Isaac was so tired after preschool that he sacked out on the couch after lunch. I DID NOT have a problem keeping busy while they were gone.
  • I gave Sydney a haircut last week – it turned out pretty well.
  • Isaac is in need of a haircut.
  • I am also in need of a haircut.
  • Peter made Naan bread yesterday and posted his recipe here.
  • The kids really enjoyed the first day of school, but it looks like day number two will be cancelled. We are having a tropical storm warning in our area – we plan on getting dumped on tonight while we are sleeping. Even though we already have lots of water and food storage, I still went to the Commissary this morning to buy more bottled water and some fresh fruit. We went around the yard and took all of our yard decorations/chairs, etc… into the garage. Also, Patrick Air Force Base is closed tomorrow so Peter gets a day off of work!
  • We will be going to see a Golden Retriever this Saturday – he sounds like a very pleasant dog. He does not jump up on people, he rarely barks, he likes to please, and he likes car rides and running. Being two years old he is still a bit of a puppy but he’ll grow out of that. We have to drive all the way to Tampa (about 2 1/2 hours away) to see him. Here’s a picture of him (he looks a lot like our last dog, Lola, but he weighs 70 pounds as opposed to 25 pounds). Golden Retrievers are big!

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