Our Kids Were the Cutest Kids on Halloween!

Sydney’s class at school had a game where four groups got to wrap someone up like a mummy. Sad to say, Syd’s group was the least organized! It was so funny to watch.
All I could think was “I know how much toilet paper costs!” At least it wasn’t money just going down the toilet… (puns are terrible)
Sydney was excited to have wavy hair the day after having French braids.
Isaac singing along with his preschool “Fall Festival” program. Isaac’s preschool parade.
Our pumpkins. Opal and Scooby Dooey. The kids named them.
This is Isaac at our Ward Trunk-or-Treat.
Sydney is always such a princess.
I told you my kids were the cutest kids on Halloween! And I obviously have the pictures to prove it!
“It’s a plane…it’s a blue blob…no, it’s Superman going down a large bouncy slide!”
I don’t know who decided that it would be a good idea to give snow cones to kids in costume. Sydney spilled red syrup down her dress.
I wonder if I could write a fairy tale or adventure story/movie script that includes Snow White and Superman. Do you think any major motion picture companies would be willing to buy the script?

Here is our week in a bullet list:

  • Sydney performed a duo piano piece called “Pretzel Prance” with me at my student recital yesterday. She did an excellent job!
  • Sydney got straight A’s on her report card!
  • Isaac had way too much fun dressing up as Superman. We got some black and white TV episodes of Superman from 1952 starring George Reeves. They are totally hokey but don’t tell Isaac – he loves it!
  • We are reading The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo and then we are going to watch the movie in December when it comes out!
  • I am really liking exclamation points this week!!!
  • Peter managed to be at home most of October – he only had one three-day trip!
  • I went to our ward trunk-or-treat with a pregnant tummy for my costume. I thought most of the women in my ward would know it was a costume… I got a few congratulations and a few remarks along the line of, “that’s a mean joke.” I think it was a perfectly good joke.

That’s all folks…

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