Kids Sharing a Bedroom – What do you think?

So we have STUFF. Too much of it to be precise. And I am NOT a pack-rat. Some of this STUFF that is always in the way is the treadmill, stationary bike, food storage and my sewing table. Oh, and two pianos which really do take up a lot of room which is precisely why everything else is taking up a lot of room when it wouldn’t in a normal persons house (normal meaning those who do not have the crazy idea to try and house two pianos).

We have a 3-bedroom house with NO basement (basements are a bad idea in Florida). The kids each have their own bedroom. I am tired of having the treadmill downstairs in the kitchen/family room area and the stationary bike in my room. The food storage is crammed into Sydney’s room (which has been difficult when she has friends over – I’m actually worried about someone getting hurt). My sewing table is often in the family room (I shove the couches over and completely cover access to the treadmill making it unaccessible for days at a time). And don’t even get me started with the extra large dog crate.

So now I am seriously considering having the kids share a room. I always planned on having enough children that they would have to share a room anyway but that is just not going to happen. If I had had two girls or two boys I would not even have given it much thought – those imaginary children would have shared a room. But I have a boy and a girl.

They shared a room at our last house and it worked well most of the time. I realize that society these days does not usually consider it kosher for a boy and girl to share a room but for thousands of years boys and girls shared rooms, huts, beds and so forth.

The bedroom that I am considering is Sydney’s current room. We could get rid of her queen size bed and bring the bunk beds in. There is a large closet (half of which has some of my stuff in it anyway) so the kids would each have half a closet for clothes and toys. They each have a dresser and a small bookcase. They can take turns getting dressed in the bathroom instead of changing in their room.

Sydney usually reads for a while in her bed after Isaac is already tucked in. She could read in my bed and then quietly climb up to the top bunk when it is time for her to go to sleep.

If we do this then the smallest room could be used for food storage, exercising and sewing, camping equipment, misc. storage, etc…

Let me know what you think. You can leave a comment or vote on my poll.

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