I’ve Got My Love to Keep Me Warm…

The Arctic conditions that have taken a hold of the country have left a stamp even here in Florida. We have been enjoying temperatures in the low 40’s for a couple of weeks and this morning I woke up to see the thermostat sitting at 32 degrees! Most everyone around us has been freezing their little tushies off but I have been in heaven! Hot chocolate, hot soup, flannel pajamas, house slippers and snuggling up close to Peter in bed at night are just a few of the delights that I have been enjoying. Too bad all this cold weather can’t bring in a good snow storm; then my bliss would be complete. In Tampa, a couple of days ago, there were delays at the airport because of ice! A local Floridian told me that there has not been weather like this since about 1972.

This morning when we got to church the thermostat in my mini van said it was 37 degrees. When we got inside the church building it wasn’t much warmer than that. Apparently the heater was not working so the bishop decided to cut the three hour block short and sent us all home right after the sacrament. I don’t think I’ve ever heard so much teeth-chattering in my life!

Of course the climatologists are claiming that global warming is to blame; apparently it is so hot that is cold (that is according to some scientists in China)!

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