I’m thirty weeks pregnant right now; the final countdown officially began yesterday. After a wonderful physical therapy appointment and wearing a maternity girdle for a couple of weeks I am able to walk again without feeling like a cripple. Hopefully this will continue as my belly pokes further out.
Today I packed the diaper bag and made a list of things I need to pack quickly when I go into labor. I pulled out the new boxes with the bassinet and the car seat/stroller and put them together. They are sitting in the living room and will probably sit there tomorrow until I decide where to put them. I have to remind myself I am huge and pregnant sometimes. I overdid it a little with moving heavy boxes around.
Despite the fact that I have been taking a hormone supplement for the last 14 weeks I have been doing pretty well. Thankfully the mood swings have faded quite a bit. And the break outs – I almost felt like I was thirteen-years-old again for a few weeks… The progesterone treatments are supposed to help me stay pregnant longer this time. As of now I have no faith in it; I don’t have a good reason why I don’t, but I don’t. I just hope this little guy decides to wait until at LEAST Valentine’s Day because then Peter will be back from a conference he has to attend in Florida for a week. I don’t plan on doing ANYTHING that week (it matches up with week 34 of my pregnancy).
I have officially kicked Peter out of the bed and so he is sleeping in the basement on the futon (this arrangement helps us both sleep better). As long as I do my stretches and read until I get tired I seem to sleep pretty well and am able to wake up and walk on the treadmill before breakfast. I just have to keep the schedule going just so or else I sleep terribly for a couple of nights. Not that my sleep is going to improve once our little eskimo arrives…
I have finished making flannel blankets and bibs. The other night I cut out material for a blessing outfit. Now I just need to sew it up.