Johnson Family Update

Thursday afternoon this little baby in my tummy started moving around real funny. By the end of the day I realized I was breathing much easier and I thought my belly looked lower – like I might have dropped. Thankfully I knew Peter was coming home Friday and I wanted his second opinion. By Friday afternoon, however, I did not need a second opinion after looking in the mirror. I had dropped considerably (Peter noticed right away when he came in the door). This is exactly what has happened during week 34 before delivering my other 35-week gestation babies. I hope this little guy waits a couple of weeks or longer.

Dropping or “lightening” does not mean labor is imminent – but it is one of those things that happens before or during labor. In most cases it happens about two weeks or less (sometimes just hours) before real labor contractions kick in. Anyway, we’re on baby alert at our house and I am constantly packing my hospital bag any time I have to leave the base.

Peter just arrived home last night and the poor guy has a sore throat and feels pretty miserable. Thankfully his sprained ankle has healed amazingly well; I don’t even notice him limping anymore. He is taking a couple of days over the weekend to recover before having to go to work on Monday (or head to the hospital in the middle of the night with me).

Sydney – She has been experimenting with nail polish after getting some books at the library on finger and toe painting. A couple of Saturdays ago she spent about three hours taking care of her nails (reading a book while waiting for nails to dry). Now she is asking about trying out the curling iron on her own. My little girl is growing up!

Isaac –
What a little devil this adorable son of mine has been the last few days. He is testing the far-reaching corners of disrespect with me and bullying with Sydney. On Tuesday he did not get to participate in TaeKwon-Do because of an altercation with his sister that happened as we were getting ready to go. Instead, he took some toys to play with but spent much of the class time brooding inside while watching Sydney have fun in class.

He has also been freaking out when I remind him he has 10 or 15 minutes (or another amount of time) to finish a task that he is working on. Instead of getting to work he spends a great deal of time whining that he won’t possibly get the task-at-hand done in time. But, when assigned with a follow on assignment because of whining or not finishing in time, he always pulls through. I just need to keep up my spirits, my wits, my strength, and some old-fashioned grit to pull through this phase.

Isaac has been asked to give the First Article of Faith in primary tomorrow. He has been practicing saying it slowly, clearly, and loud enough to be heard. He currently can recite numbers one and two by memory.

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