I Love Staying at the Hospital…

Not exactly the Ritz Carlton, but the hospital stay has been going just fine. Thankfully I did have two sets of underwear so I could hand wash one pair at night time and wear the others during the day. Scrubs make ultra comfy pajamas and are so stylish. And I think stringy, greasy hair that hasn’t been washed in five days is making a come back; just consider me a trend-setter. But just to keep me humble and not too comfortable with my established routine, I have a neighbor bringing me a bag packed with all of the important modern-day toiletries and changes of clothing (I am interested to see the outfits that Peter packed for me). So by the end of the day I will be showered, blow-dried, plucked, and dressed in a different outfit than the one I have worn for three straight days. No more modern day pioneer woman for me!

Michael has been doing really well yesterday and today. He has figured out how to nurse and can do it effectively but it tires him out a LOT. Right now we are nursing three times a day – 8:00 AM, 2:00 PM, and 8:00 PM, and feeding through a gavage tube during all the other feeding times (which come every three hours). His little body needs some time to get strong enough to nurse around the clock before he can come home. There is no way of knowing how long this may take for his little body but he is making steady progress.

The poor little guy pulled out his gavage tube two times in five minutes this morning; he must love having it re-inserted…either that or he’s just being a little muscle man show off. He’s very sneaky.

Right now I am missing my husband and kids that are at home still recovering from colds. Michael’s cute and all, but I want to spend time with Sydney and Isaac; reading to them, giving them hugs, and ordering them around the house with chores. If they are feeling well by tomorrow evening they may come and see Michael through the NICU window.

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