My acrobat kids

One of the things the family did to keep themselves sane while I was on my extended “vacation” to DC was enroll at “Ninja Park,” an obstacle fitness gym.  Isaac was the driving force behind the decision, but the way things work around here, they either all do it, or they just don’t.  We’ve never been willing to spend the time and resources to send each kid to their own special thing three times a week.  If one of ’em does Tae Kwan Do for fitness, they all do it.   What that meant for Sydney was wrapping her mind around the fact that she would be forced to do obstacles and other “functional fitness” activities.

For the last seven or eight months, the whole fam-damily (except for me) has been packing up in the car three to four days a week for an hour or two at the gym.  Michael does the kids class, Liz the adult class and open-gym, Isaac does every class he can get into, and Syd has been working with a personal trainer.   The results have been tangible.  Isaac routinely “complains” about his “5-pack” abs (he’s such a show-off), Liz can bury me at anaerobic activity, and Sydney has become an expert at tying herself up in fabric.  If you doubt my assessment…  consider the following pictures:


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