Sunrise, Sunset

Peter got this nice sunrise shot on his way to work last week. I have yet to see a sunrise here. Totally pathetic I know.

We went to Busch Gardens, an amusement park in Tampa, for Spring Break. Here’s my kids getting sugar highs on soda pop.

On our way back home we stopped at the temple in Orlando.

Peter and Isaac wore matching soccer ball ties. I made them using the Maggie Grindstaff Preferred Method.

I got Sydney this peach colored skirt and white sweater. They are both two sizes too big on her and look terrible and I couldn’t let her go to church wearing them. I am going to make something for her THIS WEEK!

Peter and I rearranged the TV/office area. We moved the treadmill upstairs, folded up the dog crate and moved the entertainment center and couches. I feel like I gained a whole new room! Isaac and I celebrated by spreading out all of the his Hot Wheel toys. Isaac is happy to have some room to run around!

A sunset from the west side of our neighborhood. This would have been AMAZING from this other coast of Florida!

  • We have had fun listening to a bunch of John Bytheway talks on CD while driving around in the mini-van. Sydney has had a difficult time controlling her laughter! Isaac was just sitting on the john singing out with his hearts desire, “John Bytheway, John Bytheway, he reads his scriptures everyday! And that’s all I needed to say…” I have learned to keep my mouth shut and just listen with a grin when Isaac sings – if I say anything he stops and gets mad because I noticed. That boy! – he’s just like his mother…
  • Sydney and I both had to stay home on Easter Sunday because we were sick. We are both feeling much better now!
  • I have gone to two voice lessons and am enjoying practicing some breath support exercises. Baby steps…
  • Isaac’s preschool teacher said she usually recommends summer birthday boys to be held back one more year before kindergarten but that Isaac is very ready. I get to go to the elementary to register him tomorrow!
  • Just five more weeks of school for the kids this year.
  • We had lots of fun as a family at Busch Gardens, staying in a hotel overnight and visiting the Orlando temple.
  • Sydney refused to go on a mild roller coaster after I had been waiting in line with her for 45 minutes. The staff would not start the ride with her having a fit because apparently they are not allowed to let kids go on rides against their will any more. So we had to get off (needless to say, I was in a bad mood for a little while after this). What is this world coming to?
  • Peter is getting ready to take a two-week trip to England. Without us. The nerve…
  • Yesterday I attended our yearly Stake Relief Society Enrichment activity and had a wonderful time. When I got home I found out that Peter and the kids had been working hard. They scrubbed walls upstairs, cleaned all the toilets, took down some blinds and hosed them off in the back yard, Sydney had practiced the piano, and Peter was drying bananas and strawberries in his home-made food dehydrator (pictures to follow later). Peter rocks!!! (think about that one for a minute – it’s a redundant statement).

That’s all folks…

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