Isaac’s preschool class took a field trip to a local nursery called Rockledge Gardens. As you can see I didn’t get the memo about sending my child in a red shirt…
Too cute! I had to take this picture while Isaac wasn’t looking.
The highlight of the trip was going into the butterfly room. Butterflies of all sorts were flying around and so it was easy to get a good picture!
These chrysalises (wow – how do you make that word plural?) were fascinating to look at.
Each kid got to plant a few sunflower seeds. Isaac’s is sitting in our kitchen windowsill and is doing great so far.
Boys can’t resist a pile up at the bottom of a slide! (By the way, it looks like one other mom didn’t get the memo about the red shirts…)
Isaac and I had fun doing a scavenger hunt and looking at all of the butterflies on his field trip. It was nice to spend time doing something like this with him – he let me hold his hand and help him out. But I think his favorite part of the field trip was playing at the park with the other boys!