To the handful of people who were interested in this, it has fallen victim to the whims of fortune and my current lack of motivation. It’ll be a while before I can afford the up-front costs to get this printed. Sorry for the teaser. You probably didn’t really want one anyway, but I appreciate the thought.
Just finished putting together a “book” of the poetry I’ve written. You can download a crummy low-resolution version of it at the following link: Low resolution proof of “Doc Johnson’s Magic Mix”
I’m thinking of getting a handful actually printed and bound, but I don’t have the money at the moment to print enough to hand out. If you are interested in having a copy and are willing to blow up to $20 on it, leave a comment with your contact info and I’ll see if I can get enough interest to make it viable.
Yes please
Would Love One!
Yes please. Again
Susan Gardner
It’ll be a while. Gotta love setbacks. I’ll let you know when I scrape together enough unaccountable funds to get it printed.
Yes Please!