Category Archives: Peter’s Writings

Things Peter writes for his own benefit, not necessarily intended for or made available to the general public.

Satan’s laugh

Hateful things in human thought
Twisted minds this sin have brought
Barking dogs pull at the chain
Howling shrieks and moans of pain
Mothers weep and infants cry
Above the gate - ARBEIT MACHT FREI
Shuffling feet of broken hearts
Pause for families torn apart
Wives and children stripped away
Screams and cries that cannot sway

One by one sent there and here
For some the end is very near
While others hear the orders barked
For brutal labor they were marked
The crack of whips and thud of fist
The whimpered hope you're on the list
Yet labor's toil 
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A Rant on Modern Science

When I was a kid, my best friend Zeke (not his real name) was what we all considered “fat.” In addition to being heavier than the rest of us, he had a complexion that would have been described as sallow, had a tendency for profuse sweating, bad teeth, and delayed mental development. He was different, and that made him a target. Aside from Zeke and one or two other kids in my elementary school, I can’t remember a single kid who would be labeled overweight by today’s standards. Fast-forward thirty years, and my experience would infer that Zeke would be … Read the rest


Bury me not in the cold an dark earth,
Where the roots and worms churn the ground.
Rather lay me to rest in the folds of your heart,
Where your rarest of treasures are found.


Harry the zoo hippochondriac
was a wonderful pain in the butt.
The zookeepers all sat and wondered
what went on there inside of his nut.

He never went out 
to enjoy the warm sun,
and never would venture
to swim, play, or run.

He'd moan and he'd groan
then flop hard in the hay,
convinced some zoo patron
had bubonic plague.

When spring cottonwoods bloomed
and sent tufts on the breeze,
he was sure that pneumonia 
was what made him sneeze.

Once a blob of dried mud 
stuck behind his left ear,
convinced him he'd cancer
and life's ending was 
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Precise to plans I drew myself,
To house my future and my past.
Space for children, work, and play,
Built strongly - made to last.

Connected with community,
Deep roots and friends abound.
Invested in longevity,
We'd planned to stick around.

The children learned to love this place,
We parents did the same.
Now plans have changed, and we must go,
A pawn in life's harsh game.

In packing up and leaving here,
I go as duty calls.
With heavy heart and misty eyes,
To cope where my lot falls.

Storytime: VICA Nationals

As with any of my stories based in reality, it is true and accurate only to the extent that my memory is correct.  This is an account of things as I remember them.

Vica Nationals

When I was in High School, I had a rather patient, kind, and understanding electronics teacher named Ralph Dammann who went out of his way to give me opportunities to explore that subject and “color outside the lines” that conventional educational programs draw.  He allowed me to skip other classes to work on projects, supported me as I cooked up various new things, and was … Read the rest

Jolly Green

Middle of nowhere, not a soul is in sight,
I'm alone far from help in a terrible fright,
Marooned yesterday and all through the night.
Weakened and failing, dealt a heavy hard blow,
Then a thumping and rumbling rattling low, 
Creeps through the quiet and steadily grows.

Now the feet of a giant appear overhead,
With a deafening roar beating down latent dread,
Tells me help is at hand, and safety ahead.
The jolly green giant called out to assist,
Searching the morn' that frost's icy lips kissed,
Pararescueman watching ensures nothing's missed. 
He sees me and motions to show 
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Why Not Publish?

I was on a flight home recently after an involuntary extension of a business trip, and happened to be seated next to an aspiring author who felt like striking up a conversation.  As we talked, he talked about how he had begun writing to deal with the loss of his mother.  That revelation led us down a series of wandering paths, along which it came out that I also write as a form of self prescribed therapy.  He asked if I had published anything, and seemed shocked when I told him no (other than scholarly/profesional journals) and that I wasn’t … Read the rest

Storytelling: Spring Break

As with any of my stories based in reality, it is true and accurate only to the extent that my memory is correct.  This is an account of things as I remember them.

Spring Break

Many years ago I felt a strong desire to break free of school and work in order to spend some time tooling around Southern Utah.  I had time off, a small pickup truck, and enough money to pay for gas and any incidental expenses that happened to arise, so I made plans to take a bunch of back-roads through the red-rock country.   While I might … Read the rest

Storytelling: Lightning Strikes and Skinny Dipping

As with any of my stories, this is true and accurate only to the extent that my memory is correct.  This is an account of things as I remember them.

Lightning Strikes and Skinny Dipping

From as far back as I can remember, I have loved opportunities to escape civilization and make my way into the wilderness.  Growing up in Utah, there were plenty of opportunities to do so, ranging from the High Uintah wilderness area a few hours east to some of the emptiest high desert on the continent to the west and south.  As a kid, my mother’s … Read the rest