Category Archives: Poetry

Lame attempts at poetry, generally written to please myself or as a form of self-prescribed therapy.

Desert Palette

The desert sun is hot and white,
The sky an azure blue,
The wind-blown sand a golden glow,
The rocks a rusty hue.

The rabbit brush with yellow trim,
Accents the silver sage,
Green piƱons point up towards the sky,
Grown massive with great age.

The prickly pear with flowers pink,
And spiny fruit a purple-red,
In starving coyote's hazel eyes,
Is better than sliced bread.


Black Hole

No sound escapes this vacant void
No light leaks from its space
A hiding place of perfect form
Devoid of touch and taste

Desperate pleas that enter there
Return no echo or reply
They die in silence, fade away
A mute unanswered cry

I never meant to make this hole
Its silence burns my ears
It stops the things that should come out
To calm my doubts and fears

How do you kill a blackened hole
That feeds on all it finds
To open up the inner soul
And clear a troubled mind

So questions voiced to God above
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The Tucker

Down a dark trail through deep frozen spruce,
The lights peering outward bright halos produce,
As we crawl over snow that squeaks under our tread,
Pushing farther from home into darkness ahead,
Breathing smoke as warm vapors freeze and turn white,
Tiny crystals suspended in the breath of the night, 
Collecting on eyebrows and all sorts of hair,
The heater flat failing to warm the harsh air,
Our mission's a clearing far out in the wood,
Some broken equipment that must be made good,
So onward we press 'till the work is complete,
And fend off the frostbite that threatens 
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Crookedly Straight

The dreams of the present viewed in sleep long ago
Bear no semblance to what I now see,
Wishes fervently made with the best of intent
Have passed by and never will be.

Looking back through the fog of memories past
I know now that the path I have trod,
Seeming crookedly bent, twisting this way and that
Has been mercifully guided by God.

The pitfalls and dangers I couldn't observe
Would have swallowed me up in their depths,
So wand'ring along the strange course of my life
I'm content to let Him guide my steps.

Satan’s laugh

Hateful things in human thought
Twisted minds this sin have brought
Barking dogs pull at the chain
Howling shrieks and moans of pain
Mothers weep and infants cry
Above the gate - ARBEIT MACHT FREI
Shuffling feet of broken hearts
Pause for families torn apart
Wives and children stripped away
Screams and cries that cannot sway

One by one sent there and here
For some the end is very near
While others hear the orders barked
For brutal labor they were marked
The crack of whips and thud of fist
The whimpered hope you're on the list
Yet labor's toil 
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Bury me not in the cold an dark earth,
Where the roots and worms churn the ground.
Rather lay me to rest in the folds of your heart,
Where your rarest of treasures are found.


Harry the zoo hippochondriac
was a wonderful pain in the butt.
The zookeepers all sat and wondered
what went on there inside of his nut.

He never went out 
to enjoy the warm sun,
and never would venture
to swim, play, or run.

He'd moan and he'd groan
then flop hard in the hay,
convinced some zoo patron
had bubonic plague.

When spring cottonwoods bloomed
and sent tufts on the breeze,
he was sure that pneumonia 
was what made him sneeze.

Once a blob of dried mud 
stuck behind his left ear,
convinced him he'd cancer
and life's ending was 
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Precise to plans I drew myself,
To house my future and my past.
Space for children, work, and play,
Built strongly - made to last.

Connected with community,
Deep roots and friends abound.
Invested in longevity,
We'd planned to stick around.

The children learned to love this place,
We parents did the same.
Now plans have changed, and we must go,
A pawn in life's harsh game.

In packing up and leaving here,
I go as duty calls.
With heavy heart and misty eyes,
To cope where my lot falls.

Jolly Green

Middle of nowhere, not a soul is in sight,
I'm alone far from help in a terrible fright,
Marooned yesterday and all through the night.
Weakened and failing, dealt a heavy hard blow,
Then a thumping and rumbling rattling low, 
Creeps through the quiet and steadily grows.

Now the feet of a giant appear overhead,
With a deafening roar beating down latent dread,
Tells me help is at hand, and safety ahead.
The jolly green giant called out to assist,
Searching the morn' that frost's icy lips kissed,
Pararescueman watching ensures nothing's missed. 
He sees me and motions to show 
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