Sunrise, Sunset

Peter got this nice sunrise shot on his way to work last week. I have yet to see a sunrise here. Totally pathetic I know.

We went to Busch Gardens, an amusement park in Tampa, for Spring Break. Here’s my kids getting sugar highs on soda pop.

On our way back home we stopped at the temple in Orlando.

Peter and Isaac wore matching soccer ball ties. I made them using the Maggie Grindstaff Preferred Method.

I got Sydney this peach colored skirt and white sweater. They are both two sizes too big on her and look terrible and I
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We love our new camera!

I love that I can easily get pictures like this with Isaac in mid-air! This is REALLY what Isaac looks like – a big blur of motion.
Sydney is easy to photograph because she holds still.
Peter played with the focus on the camera while photographing this bush in our back yard. In real life the bush does NOT look this cool. Those National Geographic photographers just have really good cameras. Maybe Peter should apply?
Where did you go on Saturday? We went across the street to the beach in between conference sessions.
Isaac had lots of fun splashing in
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Our Boring Update

Life is going just peachy here at the Johnson household.  Really. Truly. Here are some highlights:

Isaac – He has still been quite a bit more affectionate lately and I am trying to enjoy it while it lasts. His hugs are kisses are always quite overwhelming – he runs up and jumps on me out of the blue and tackles me with hugs! We have been working on reading The Cat in the Hat and Green Eggs and Ham with Isaac reading all the words he can. Some of the new sounds or words that he recognizes are: sh, said, … Read the rest

Peter’s new camera

Peter and I pooled our allowances for a few months to purchase a new camera. I can’t even tell you what all of the features on the camera are because I am quite clueless. I know it is made by Canon. It really is Peter’s new toy. The first day it came he was out at night taking some pictures (it just happened to be the evening of a rocket launch). Here are some of the first pictures from our new camera:

Here’s the rocket launch (Peter had some fun with photo software after taking the picture)

This is the
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Rockledge Gardens Field Trip

Isaac’s preschool class took a field trip to a local nursery called Rockledge Gardens. As you can see I didn’t get the memo about sending my child in a red shirt…
Too cute! I had to take this picture while Isaac wasn’t looking.
The highlight of the trip was going into the butterfly room.  Butterflies of all sorts were flying around and so it was easy to get a good picture!
These chrysalises (wow – how do you make that word plural?) were fascinating to look at.
Each kid got to plant a few sunflower seeds. Isaac’s is sitting in
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Johnson Family FAQ

Q. Is your family moving to England?
A. We still don’t know. But you’ll be the first one we call when we find out.

Q. Is your family going to stay in Florida if you don’t go to England?
A. We still don’t know. But you’ll be the first one we call when we find out.

Q. When will you find out if you are moving to England?
A. We still don’t know. But you’ll be the first one we call when we find out.


I guess I should update this here blog

I haven’t been blogging lately because I have not had the time or inclination to do it. This morning I finally had the thought to take some pictures of my two adorable children to post here, but alas, the batteries in the camera were dead and I do not have any extra AA batteries. I have like a zillion AAA batteries (because of the new pulsating toothbrushes we recently invested in). Maybe I’ll have to take some pictures of our super clean teeth for later…

Here’s a little snippet about each person in the extraordinary Johnson family:

Isaac – I … Read the rest

Peter's Prose, Poetry, and Random Ramblings