For almost a year, I’ve been trying to get spare change together to have a collection of poetry I’ve written printed. However, I have teenagers, and the unfortunate thing about teenagers is that they are expensive. In spite of my best efforts to sock away a few dollars here and there, every time I had almost enough cash set aside something would come up, and I’d have to start over.
In the mean-time, though, I’ve gotten occasional feedback from the few people who were actively waiting for the final result. It seems they are getting impatient. As a result of my inability to follow-through with the final step in the process, I was contemplating the budget and trying to come up with a realistic time-line so I could manage expectations. It wasn’t looking promising. Then, a few weeks ago, I had a flash of either desperation or inspiration and looked into Kickstarter. They sell themselves as a platform for crowd-funding creative projects, and it seemed that my little book would fit their criteria pretty well.
So, without further adieu, say hello to my Kickstarter project:
Should you be interested in a copy, become a backer through Kickstarter.